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78 Gardeningwaterfeature Article
Gardening water feature: What it is
from:A water garden can be manmade or natural, but two things unite them – the
use of some type of gardening water feature and the presence of water of
some sort as the focal point. One famous garden of old which utilized a
gardening water feature was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Another famous
gardening water feature is the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain.
Water gardens have regained prominence on the landscape scene in recent
years, ranging from container water gardens to large outdoor structures.
They are known by many different names such as backyard ponds, water ponds
and aquatic gardens.
A true water garden makes use of different gardening water feature to
compose the whole. The main types of water features are fountains,
waterfalls, ponds and water courses (streams) are common. Not only does a
gardening water feature add to the beauty of any garden, it also adds the
soothing, relaxing music of flowing water. It also provides a great place
to attract wildlife, especially birds whose colors and sounds can only add
to the charm and beauty of any garden.
However, adding a gardening water feature will require additional investment
in equipment as a water filtration system and a pump would be necessary.
These two pieces of equipment are necessary if the delicate balance created
in a water garden is to be maintained. The water pump will ensure that the
water keeps circulating and so provide needed oxygen for the fish and
aquatic plants to live. It also prevents the breeding of mosquitoes which
might use the environment of a gardening water feature to breed. The
filtration plant will help to keep the water clean and safe for aquatic
life, both plant and fish.
One aspect of water features that some persons may not know about is that of
using a gardening water feature to conceal faults in a garden. Professional
landscape artists use gardening water feature all the time to hide
landscaping problems with no one being the wiser.
Nothing else a garden can provide the type of tranquility and balm to the
soul that a bubbling fountain can, except maybe being able to watch the cool
waters of a stream flow merrily on its water. It is partially for these
reasons that a gardening water feature is such a treasure in many outdoor
gardens. In today’s world with so many opting for apartments, small indoor
fountains are allowing homeowners to take their gardening water feature
inside as well. Additionally, there is now the option of powering pumps for
water features by solar energy thereby protecting the environment as well as
reducing electricity costs.