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57-Container Gardening Drainage


Container gardening is a great method to use for saving space, limiting a lot of maintenance, and still reaping the benefits of a garden. Whether it is a vegetable container or one with a stunning arrangement of flowers, container gardening is a fun and rewarding hobby. One of the biggest mistakes new container gardeners make is not providing adequate drainage for their plants. Container gardening drainage is a vital, important aspect of successful gardening. Without it, vegetable plants won’t produce as much and flowering plants may not survive at all.

It is true that almost anything can be used as a container for planting. The standard plastic pots usually can be bought with drainage holes already added. But for a more unique look, container gardeners have gotten creative and used items like old boots, hollow logs, and galvanized buckets and tubs as planters. These items and a host of others work perfectly well as long as they are equipped with drainage holes. Many experts recommend putting drainage holes in the bottom of the pot or container as well on the sides. By all means, have fun with your choice of container, after all it is supposed to be fun, but supply proper drainage for your plants. Container gardening drainage is one of the most important factors in successful gardening.

The physical placement of the pot is vital to proper container gardening drainage as well. In order for the container to drain well it is a good idea to place the whole arrangement on blocks or bricks to give the water a place to drain. If the planter container is left on the ground or flat surface the water pools at the bottom and root rot is more likely.

The tools you will need to make container gardening drainage holes depends on what the container actually is. If it is made of metal the best option is to use a drill to make the holes. In the case of a thin metal, like aluminum, it may be faster and simpler to make the holes using a punch of some kind. Drills also work well with wood containers and, if used carefully, ceramic pots. Your container choice was creative; it only stands to reason that the method you use to make drainage holes may have to be as well.

It can’t be stated enough that the one important key to container gardening is to provide sufficient drainage for your plants. Root rot and over watering is a sure way to ruin even the most well thought out plant display. Adequate container gardening drainage almost guarantees the garden of your dreams every time.

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