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For anyone doing home gardening, supply is of vital importance. Most likely your home gardening supply store will be a garden centre that specializes in garden supplies and equipment. That is the best place to buy seeds and plants. Other retail outlets, such as supermarkets, might carry some seeds and plants, but because such stores do not specialize in gardening materials, their seeds and plants might not be of the best quality. At a home gardening supply centre you have a much better chance of getting the best seeds and plants.

There are other reasons for making a qualified garden centre your home gardening supply base. The staff there will be familiar with all the information you will need in order to have a successful garden. They will be able to answer any questions you may have about such things as soil, fertilizers, pest and weed control, and preparing your garden for winter. The staff at a supermarket, on the other hand, might know nothing more about a plant they have on sale than what is written on an accompanying card. Moreover, at a home gardening supply centre there is a high volume in the sale of seeds, so you can be fairly certain the seeds you buy there are fresh and healthy. The packages of seeds on a supermarket shelf could sit there for quite a long time, simply because people generally do not go to the grocery store to buy gardening supplies. Therefore, by the time you buy the seeds, they are old. Old seeds often loose much of their vitality and do not germinate properly, resulting in poorly developed plants.

A home gardening supply centre will carry all of the tools and other materials you need for your garden, from small hand implements to riding mowers and electrical equipment. The staff will happily explain what tools you need for specific gardening tasks, and how to use them. If your home garden is simply a small collection of a few potted plants, or a yard sized water garden with hundreds of flowering and foliage plants, the home gardening centre will have everything you need for its care and maintenance.

The garden centre is also a good place to pick up information and ideas. Like any other specialty shop, the garden centre is patronized by people who share a particular interest. That means it is a place where home gardeners can get together and talk. The garden centre quite likely will carry gardening magazines, books and videos, as well as pamphlets on garden shows and similar events. As if your garden centre has a website. Quite likely it does.

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