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Home Gardening Kids Gardening Article

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183-Home and Gardening


There is plenty of information available on managing your home and garden. One of the most important elements for those who are really interested in the home and gardening-or even those who want to do as little as possible but still have an attractive indoor and outdoor space; is organization. Magazines and television programs are filled with the voices of experts who tell us that the answer to all our problems is to get organized. Having a clutter free home and cheerful, tidy garden give many of us a sense of well being and a feeling that all is right with our world. Perhaps the best way of getting organized is to work from the inside out-i.e. to clear up the home and then the garden.

Having a clutter free, organized space to live in can make life much easier. This is especially true in today’s society where so many of us lead such busy lives-having a place for everything and everything in its place may be an old fashioned maxim but it makes busy lives a lot easier. Clear your clutter, if you can’t find a whole day then plan to do things a little at a time-clear one shelf for example and only return those books/ornaments that you really can’t do without-do the same with drawers. In the kitchen try to minimize the number of gadgets on show. Always wash up and wipe the sides after you’ve eaten. Keep regularly used items all together-keep your saucepans in a cupboard near the stove-not over the other side of the kitchen.

Clear out your clothes closet-throw out or send to a charity shop anything that you have not worn in the last twelve months. Keep spare bedding in the bedroom closet and spare toilet rolls and towels in a cupboard in the bathroom. Whenever you have finished using something remember the golden rule, don’t put it down put it away. A clutter free home is much easier to keep clean and more relaxing to sit in.

Once your inside is tidy it’s time to start on the outside. Put away any children’s toys that might be lying around the garden. Sweep up any leaves and other litter, pull up any weeds. If you have a lawn make sure that the grass is cut regularly-better still for a low maintenance garden-don’t have a lawn-have some decking and gravel with containers full of plants. If you really do want grass but don’t have time to cut it then think about paying a local teenager to do it for you once every couple of weeks. You never know, once everything is tidy you may find yourself developing more of an interest in your surroundings.





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