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Vegetable Gardening Article

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A gardening tip! Vegetable gardening is a very satisfying activity. But your chances of success will improve if you plan your garden carefully before you even put a seed in the ground. First, you must consider the climactic factors of where you live. This is an important gardening tip. Vegetable gardens in one area won’t support the same plants as those in another area. Some vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage thrive better in cool areas. Eggplants, tomatoes and peppers do better in hot, sunny weather.

Here is another gardening tip. Vegetable gardens where lettuce has been planted need at least half a day of full sunlight, but benefit from midday shade. Keep that in mind when planning your garden. Other vegetables that do well with partial shade are cucumbers, spinach, Swiss chard, beets, carrots, cauliflower and radishes.

Do you live in an area where the growing season is short or long? This is another good gardening tip. Vegetable gardens in short growing season areas should be planted with turnips, arugula, beans (bush), scallions, beets, radishes, early cabbage, peas, carrots, onions (from sets), mustard greens and lettuce. In long growing season areas vegetable gardens can be planted with artichokes, asparagus, tomatoes, rhubarb, beans (dry, lima and soy), potatoes, celery, eggplant, peppers, kale, leeks and onions.

The next important gardening tip. Vegetable gardening, like any type of gardening, has plants that are easy to grow and vegetables that present more of a challenge. If you are a beginner at vegetable gardening, you might want to start with the easy ones like tomatoes, beans (green and dry), beets, lettuce, radishes, potatoes, salad greens, squash (summer and winter), Swiss chard, sunflowers and almost any of the root crops.

More experienced vegetable gardeners can try their hand at growing cantaloupe, cauliflower, celery, Chinese cabbage, watermelon, peas, parsnips, corn and leeks.

When laying out your garden, keep in mind that different vegetables require different amounts of growing space. The vegetables that are the least space consuming are beans (bush and pole), beets, carrots, Chinese cabbage, turnips, tomatoes, Swiss chard, eggplant, leeks, lettuce, sunflowers, radishes, peppers, mustard greens, onions and parsnips. Vegetables that are most space consuming are winter squash, artichokes (globe), broccoli, cauliflower, corn, cucumbers, melons, peas, potatoes and sweet potatoes. Also remember to allow yourself room to move around in your garden.

Try to avoid using chemical pesticides and herbicides. There are non-chemical ways of controlling weeds and insects. In fact, pesticides will kill not only the harmful bugs, but also the ones that are beneficial to your garden. A good natural mulch will help you keep your garden weed free.

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