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Hurricane Gardening Tools Article

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Gardening Tools For Arthritic People


Arthritis is a serious disease causing stiffness, swelling and pain in the joints. Gardening tools for arthritic people are tools designed to minimize these physical problems, so they can keep working in their gardens. Garden work can be strenuous. There is a lot of gripping, bending, standing, kneeling and twisting. Any or all of these movements can be hindered by arthritis. Ergonomics is the study of the body’s reaction to physical loads. Gardening involves a lot of physical loads in various ways. So ergonomics has been applied to garden tool design so that people with arthritis can continue to enjoy their hobby.

Never Give Up

A true gardener realizes a garden is a work of art. It requires a lot of preparation, work and maintenance. But often, the gardener sees gardening as therapeutic, relaxing and offers time to think. Having to give up gardening because of arthritis can be a life changing decision for the avid gardener. Gardening tools for arthritic people allow people with arthritis to continue gardening by addressing the physical issues through careful tool design.

? Ergonomic designs in hand tools reduce the need for twisting motions so it is easier on the wrist, back, and hips

? Cushioned grips compensate for grip weakness in the hands because of arthritis

? Specially designed shapes in cutting edges, and the addition of bars that are stepped on to long handled garden tools, minimize strain on the muscles and joints

? Gardening tools for arthritic people keep the wrist in neutral motion by adding arm braces

? Special gardening chairs and kneelers reduce strain on knees and hops

? Knobs are added at ends of handles so they are easier to grip and control

Let the Buyer Beware

You expect specially designed gardening tools for arthritic people to cost more than standard tools. Unfortunately, that has caused some retailers to charge more than is necessary for their product. This is called price gauging, and it is an attempt to take advantage of people in their need. Before purchasing gardening tools for arthritic people, make sure you compare prices between several vendors. You also need to make sure the tools you buy are good quality. It could be tragic if a tool broke while pressure was being applied by someone with arthritis. Like any product, there are bad, medium and good quality gardening tools for arthritic people, but you cannot go by price alone.

She’s Working In The Garden

If you or someone you know, is considering giving up their beloved gardening because of arthritic pain, consider purchasing gardening tools for arthritic people. The tools are specially designed and all types of gardening tools can be purchased – hand trowels, pruners, hoes, shears and so on. Shop the internet or catalogues or call the arthritis foundation and research the most reliable brands on the market. It is well worth the effort, and the benefits for someone with arthritis are incalculable.

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