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Gardening Tips Gardens


People that love to garden are always looking for new gardening tips. Gardens are lovely and gardening is a wonderful hobby, enjoyed by people around the world. Even as the weather changes and we enter into late fall, there are still several jobs in our gardens that need doing before the ice and snow start. If the ground has not frozen yet, it is a great time to plant shrubs, trees and even some flowers. If your garden is looking a little bare because most flowers are finished booming, then try these gardening tips. Gardens that lack color only need a few hardy pansies or mums planted in them to spruce them up. With some of the new annuals available today, many people still have plants blooming until the first severe frost. Fall is also a great time to plant your spring bulbs, trees, perennials and shrubs. Plant your shrubs and trees early in the fall. You need the tree or shrubs roots acclimatized before the severe winter weather sets in. Some species of plants th!
at are easy to establish are crabapple trees, hawthorn, deciduous shrubs, and honey locust. Trees to plant in early fall or early spring are birch, oak or willows.

Sometimes people get bored with their gardens and want a change. The fall is a great time to move plants around, dig them up and put them in another spot in your garden. When moving deciduous shrubs or trees, you should follow these gardening tips. Gardens do best if you leave most of the trees and shrubs undisturbed until fall. Transplant them when the trees are dormant, which is any time through the fall until early spring. Root balls on trees are extremely heavy so you might need someone to give you a hand moving and planting the tree. Have the new planting hole ready so you can place the tree you just dug-up, directly into its new location. You transplant shrubs exactly the same way. It is amazing what a difference moving a few trees and shrubs will make to the look of your garden.

Transplanting perennials is a little different, as their seasons and dormancy varies, so follow these gardening tips. Gardens look completely different by changing a few plants around. Many of the woody perennials or herbaceous plants that do not grow from tubers, bulbs or corns are safe to transplant once the new growth appears in early spring. There are other varieties of shrubs, which require moving before the new growth begins. If you are not sure, check with your local garden center as they have the information you need. If you want a new look in your garden, by following a few gardening tips, gardens around your property will look spectacular.

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