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Trees Rose Gardening Gardening Article

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Rose Gardening


Many people are fearful of rose gardening, because they believe that roses are difficult to grow and require very precise conditioning. But, if you follow four simple rules, rose gardening is really not that tough. Here are the most important rules for rose gardening.

1. Have good soil – Roses will grow beautifully if planted in the right soil. They need good drainage, so be sure to add peat moss and compost. Soil for rose gardening also requires a pH level of between 6.5 and 6.8, which means that the soil should be slightly acidic. If your soil has too much acid, add lime; if it is not acidic enough, add some sulphur. If you’re unsure of your soil’s pH, contact your local agriculture extension program. In most states, they’ll test your soil for free.
2. Give them water – If your roses don’t have enough water, they’ll die. On the other hand, watering them too often will rob them of the ability to develop a deep root system. Proper rose gardening requires deep watering a few times a week during the growing season. A fifteen minute watering two to three times a week during the growing season should be just right, depending upon your conditions. Don’t water in the evening, because this can cause powdery mildew to form on your rose plants.
3. Give them sun – Roses need around six hours of sun each day, to be exact. They will do best if they are protected from the hottest afternoon sun. If you have a spot that gets sun all morning, but has some shade in the afternoon, that’s the perfect spot for your rose garden.
4. Give them air – This is probably the most common mistake by those who attempt rose gardening and then give up. It is critical that your rose bushes are spaced far enough apart to allow air to circulate between them. Check the spacing requirements of each bush when you purchase.

Roses are prone to a few diseases. Your rose gardening effort will prove more successful if you are aware of the common rose diseases and can prevent or treat them. The most common rose diseases are powdery mildew, rust, black spot. It’s critical to check rose plants for disease before you buy. If you follow watering and spacing instructions, you should have little trouble with these diseases. If, however, you do see symptoms of one of these diseases, prune the infected area; don’t compost the clippings. If this doesn’t solve the problem, a fungicide may be required.

Those are the secrets to rose gardening. It’s really not as difficult as most people think. And, rest assured; no other plant provides quite the beauty to your landscape that roses bring.

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