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Choices for Rose Bush Gardening – Rose Varieties to Choose From


If you’re new to rose bush gardening, rose varieties can be confusing because there are so many out there. You may be overwhelmed at the choices, and have trouble determining the right rose varieties for your garden. Well, we’re about to unfold the mystery for you. And, luckily, there seems to be a rose variety that can solve most common landscape dilemmas, like hiding an area where grass won’t grow or covering an unsightly fence. Here’s an overview of the most common varieties of roses, including their characteristics.

Hybrid tea roses - These are tall, long-stemmed roses ideal for cutting. There is usually only one flower per stem. These are good choices for your garden if you want cut flowers to bring indoors. These are favored by many people who are seriously into rose bush gardening. Rose bushes of this variety include the popular Diana Princess of Wales rose and the John F. Kennedy rose.

Floribundas - These roses have large, showy blossoms and bloom freely, with several blooms on a stem. Floribundas are perfect for mass rose bush gardening. Rose bushes of this variety include Black Cherry and Tuscan Sun.

Shrub roses -Shrub roses have long blooming seasons. They are not designed for cutting, because they have short stems with many blooms on each stem. Shrub roses are disease resistant and provide color all season. They grow on compact bushes, making them favored by those who want dramatic garden color from their rose bush gardening. Rose varieties of the shrub rose include Fairy Queen.

Ground Cover roses - These are low growing roses. You’ll often find them used as a ground cover because they grow only about a foot tall. However, they can spread as much as four feet wide. These are favored by gardeners who have an unsightly area to cover with their rose bush gardening. Rose varieties of this type include Baby Blanket and Red Ribbons

Climbers - Climbing roses produce long canes that can be trained to a trellis or other support. They have a long blooming season and are easy to grow and to train. Rose enthusiasts who have a fence or some other area to cover favor these for their rose bush gardening. Roses of the climbing variety include Golden Showers and Stairway to Heaven.

There is a rose variety to suit nearly any landscape requirement or dilemma. You’re sure to find uses for many of these rose varieties in your garden. Or, try one of each and see what type of rose gardening suits you and your garden best!

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