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Organic Gardening Forum


For those questions to which you can’t find answers, think of joining an organic gardening forum where everyone gets together and shares ideas. You may have some of your own that you can share with others while at the same time, you can get ideas from others. A forum is a way from those with similar interests to come together and discuss things that are on their minds. Although they are not in real time, in that you may not get an answer right away as you would in a chat room or on an instant messenger service, forums are quite effective in bringing people together with similar interests.

If you are not familiar with a forum, they are places on the internet where people can get together and share ideas, similar to using email, except that they contain threads of specific topics. An organic gardening forum will put you in touch with people who are also in the habit of organic gardening and can help you with any questions you have. For example, if you are looking for a particular organic product and haven’t been able to find it, someone in the forum may know where you can find it, or if there is something you can substitute for that particular product. It’s quite helpful when people can come together in a central location and help each other with things that are puzzling.

If you are new to organic gardening, you will find an organic garden forum to be an invaluable asset while you are learning. If you find an active forum, just viewing the threads that have been posted will likely cover any question that you might have. The best way to proceed in an organic gardening forum is to read what has been posted already before you jump in and ask a question that has already been asked. That doesn’t mean you have to go back to all of the threads that are there, because if it’s a very active forum and has been in existence a while, that may be quite tedious. However, some members do tend to become irritated with new members who ask a question that was on the forum within the last thirty days or so, and you’re likely to get the answer, “read the previous posts, we’ve already discussed that.” As long as you are willing to help others in return, your forum experience will be quite helpful, more so that simply reading a book on the subject. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a book on organic gardening, but also join an organic gardening forum in case you have questions that the book doesn’t answer or there is something that you don’t quite understand how to do.

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