Posts Tagged ‘Gardening services’
Centerpoint classic gardening landscape offers some great tips on gardening. In one article the reader learns that bulb gardens are among the most attractive and the easiest to care for. Bulbs come in great variety. In fact, there is variety even within bulb families. Even the tulip has many exotic varieties. Centerpoint classic gardening landscape provides a guide to popular bulb flowers, which includes each plant’s best growing conditions. The gladiolus, for example, requires full sunlight and regular watering during its growth and bloom periods.
Centerpoint classic gardening landscapes offers some good advice on controlling pests in a perennial garden. Because the plants stay in the ground all year, pest control is very important. If you see the symptoms of pest infestation, you must act quickly so the insects don’t take over your garden. There are chemicals you can use for pest control, but most gardeners prefer to try natural means first. Some plants are bred to be pest resistant. Others, such as marigolds, will attract insects that eat pests such as aphids.
Do you live in a hot, dry climate? Centerpoint classic gardening landscape gives advice on the best annuals for your garden. Among the annuals that thrive in consistently hot, dry conditions once they have established their root systems are the African daisy, the creeping zinnia, the dust miller and the gold medallion. The list also includes annuals that can tolerate a very hot climate, but require extra water, such as the blue daze, the Cypress vine, the fan flower and the hyacinth bean vine.
Do you love roses? Centerpoint classic gardening landscape tells you how to get the best results when you plant new roses. First, choose a sunny location for your garden. Use a few inches of an organic mulch and add a rich organic compost. The bushes should be eighteen to twenty-four inches apart. The hole you plant the bushes in should be deep enough for the roots to spread unrestricted. It’s a good idea to add some bone meal to the soil. Place the bushes in the holes gently, and fill the holes with loose soil. Pack the loose soil firmly with your hand. Water each plant well everyday for the first two weeks. After that, watering once a week should be sufficient.
If you are going to grow roses, you will need the right tools. Roses have thorns, so wear leather work gloves with fold-down cuffs. Use bypass pruners so you don’t crush your plants’ stems and canes. If your garden is a few years old, you will need loppers to cut back old, thick canes that are too tough for pruning shears. You will also need kneeling pads, a short digging fork, a watering wand, a long handled shovel with a padded handle, a good, strong wheelbarrow, a garden rake and a leaf rake.
There are a lot more useful tips at centerpoint classic gardening landscape.
If you have only just decided to landscape your property, it probably looks like you have a pretty big job ahead of you. It will seem less intimidating if you begin with some landscaping and gardening ideas. That means you have to go outside and plan things out.
The first of the landscape and gardening ideas is to do a site analysis. Look over your property and list what are its strengths and weaknesses. What do you like about your property? What do you not like? How can you correct or improve the things you don’t like? If you begin this way with your landscape and gardening, ideas will come to you.
Now make a sketch of your property. Make the sketch large enough for you to stay as close to scale as possible. Be sure to include your house and any other buildings, including details like doors and windows. Also include trees and any other plants you want to incorporate into your landscape and gardening ideas. Be sure to mark the compass points.
Walk around your property at different times of day with your sketch on a clipboard and mark which areas are sunny and shady at given times. This will help you when it comes time to decide what plants should go where. It will also be useful if you are going to plant shade trees. You might also want to make note of prevailing winds in case you should want to build or plant a windbreak.
Good landscape and gardening ideas will come to you if you observe your property from a variety of vantage points and make notes of the good views and the bad views. Can neighbours see into your yard? If you build a raised deck will you be able to see into your neighbour’s yard?
Now make notes on slope and drainage. Do you have high ground you can take advantage of? Is there a low spot where water pools? Whatever design you decide on, it is important that water drains away from your house, not toward it. A good idea is to go outside during a rainstorm and see which way the water runs.
Take note of any interesting features your property might have: rocks, proximity to a stream or other body of water, or a special view of a natural feature or a dramatic urban skyline. How can you best work them into your design?
Go inside your house and note what you can see from various windows. What aspects of your landscape and garden would you like to see from your kitchen, bedroom or living room?
Now that you have done your sketch and made your notes, you will have some good landscape and gardening ideas.