Posts Tagged ‘Gardening services’
53-Container Gardening Supply
To participate in any hobby, the first thing you have to have is the necessary supply. Container gardening is no exception. Fortunately there are many places to find an adequate collection of container gardening supply. Everything from the containers themselves, through the proper soil and fertilizers, to the plants are available in a number of different places, sold by reputable companies.
Neighborhood green houses and nurseries are good places to start your container gardening supply search. One benefit to choosing local places is that they are knowledgeable about the climate, growing season, and other important details about your area. These people know what they are talking about because many of them grow their own gardens and know what works well and what doesn’t. Another advantage is that you can see the supplies up close and personal and eliminate the surprise of an item that looked different in the catalog or online. Local, small gardening stores are always interested in going the extra mile for their customers and quality reflects that.
If local green houses are in short supply in your area, the larger national chains, like Lowe’s and Home Depot are another option for container gardening supply. Like with smaller stores, employees are often well trained in their specific departments and have first hand knowledge of gardening. Their selection of merchandise usually has more to choose from and can be specially ordered if necessary. These stores are also stocked with how to books and creative ideas for container gardening.
Like everything else, container gardening supply sources can be found on the Internet. There are many gardening companies that maintain websites for their clients. Along with the supplies themselves they also offer advice articles and pictures of container gardening examples. Some sites specialize in plant gifts for special occasions and offer excellent shipping options on both gardening supplies and gift giving. These websites are also adept at providing hard to find items as they are independently owned and have the freedom to stock as they wish. An Internet search for “container gardening supply” will result in all the choices a container gardener could wish for.
Not knowing where to find your container gardening supply source is no excuse for delaying your gardening experiment. There is a wealth of information concerning supplies everywhere from the local phone book to the international Internet. Check out those options and don’t forget that active gardening friends and family are excellent sources for places to get the best container gardening supplies. A little bit of research is all it takes to find the high quality products you need.
50-Container Flower Gardening
For most people the sight of colorful, vibrant blooms is one of the greatest joys of the spring and summer seasons. Anyone can have the pleasure of planting, growing, and enjoying their own private flower garden. It doesn’t have to be time consuming or take up a lot of space. Container flower gardening eliminates the need for both. Not only can you express your creativity with your choice of flowers, but also in your choice of containers. It is easy to transform a drab patio, deck, or balcony into a work of art.
The first thing to decide is what type of containers you want to use. Before you can do that, you have to determine if you want a window box, hanging basket, or individual pots. Ceramic pots and wooden barrels make for a unique presentation. Strawberry jars are popular too due to their interesting shape. You can always go for a traditional plastic or terra cotta container as well. Whichever type of container you choose, they all must have adequate drainage. Otherwise, your flowers end up over watered and unhealthy. Be sure to pick containers that allow room for root growth. Container flower gardening is simple and rewarding with the correct kind of containers.
Of course you can’t plant without soil. Experts recommend a good, high quality potting soil. Be sure to buy one with vermiculite added in for proper drainage and moisture levels. Especially when replanting your young flowers from the plastic tray to the container, use a granular fertilizer to help promote growth.
When designing your new display, be sure to vary the heights and colors of your flower selection. One of the benefits of container flower gardening is that you get to be the designer and create the arrangement to look how you want it to. “Blue Victoria” Salvia is a good choice for a tall flower placed in the back of the pot. For a green contrast, you may want to consider “Trailing Rapid Blue” Lobelia. Your local green house personnel would be an excellent resource for determining which flowers to choose and how to place them.
Other important things to keep in mind for keeping your container flower gardening experiment healthy is the amount of sunlight it needs and watering practices. Depending on the species of flowers chosen sunlight and water needs will vary. Be sure you read the material that comes with your flower seedlings.
Container flower gardening is a fun, beautiful hobby that will inspire and delight you throughout the spring and summer months. Take your time in choosing your flowers and creating a wonderful floral display.