Archive for the ‘General Gardening Tips’ Category

postheadericon Thoughts on Gardening – Annual Flowers

One of the most pressing questions a gardener faces is whether to plant annuals or perennials. Perennials are plants which don’t die after one growing season, while annuals are plants that complete their life cycle in one year, going from seed to seed and then dying, over the span of one growing season. According to many experienced gardeners, gardening annual flowers is the way to go, especially if you’re a novice gardener. Annuals will come to flower almost immediately after you plant them and many will bloom for the whole growing season. What’s more, since annuals only last one growing season, next season you have the opportunity to create a whole new garden.

Annuals are very adaptable plants and though the majority requires good light, an average amount of water and relatively nutrient-rich soil, you will be able to find annuals to fit even the most extreme type of gardening. Annual flowers like ageratum, browallia, coleus, dianthus, fuschia, impatiens, lobelia, pansy, salvia, inca, and wishbone flower, do well in partly shady environments. A few annuals, like poppies, grow in only the poorest soils; annuals can grow in either wet or dry climates, and either wet or dry areas of your garden. Drought tolerant annuals include cleome, dusty miller, globe amaranth, petunias and zinnia, while annuals that do well in wet or boggy areas include browallia, fuchsia, nicotiania, and pansy. Annuals grow well in containers and cut annuals are wonderful to use in flower arrangements.

Some annuals are considered hardy annuals, being able to tolerate the first frosts without dying, blooming and setting seed as far as into the next year. Eventually, though, they will die. These can be planted in the fall or spring before the last frost. Calendula, cornflower, foxglove, larkspur, pansy, sweet alyssum, stocks, viola, and dianthus are hardy annuals; these types of flowers usually can not tolerate the heat.

Then there are half-hardy annuals, which can tolerate cold, damp weather but cannot handle frost or freezing temperatures. These can be planted after the last spring frost and include baby’s breath, bells of Ireland, blue sage, candytuft, celome, forget-me-nots, love-in-a-mist, snow-on-the-mountain, strawflower, and torenia. Midsummer sees many half-hardy annuals looking a little faded, but some may start to rebloom in late summer or fall before dying.

Finally, there are tender annuals, which are extremely sensitive to cold soil temperatures and are damaged by frost and freezing temperatures. Indeed, the seeds of tender annuals will rot and not germinate if soil temperatures are below 60 degrees. Two to three weeks from the last spring frost should pass before these are planted outdoors. Tender annuals include ageratum, balsam, begonia, celosia, coleus, globe amaranth, impatiens, marigold, morning glory, nasturtium, nicotiana, petunia, scarlet sage, verbena, vinca, and zinnia.

Furthermore, there are cool season annuals and warm season annuals.
Examples of the former would be pansies, geranium, petunia, and snapdragon which will start to wilt with the summer heat. Indeed, cool-season annuals like temperatures in the 70s and 80s during the day and they bloom best in spring and fall. Examples of warm-season annuals would be zinnias, blue daze, four-o’clocks, and pentas, which can’t grow until temperatures get warmer, into the 80s and 90s during the day and 60s and 70s at night.

So you’ve decided to try your hand with gardening annual flowers, you have a list of flowers, but you don’t know which ones you should start with. You could go with violas and pansies, which bloom literally for weeks and some can even handle a mild frost. Snapdragons may also be a good idea. They come in a stunning variety of colors and can get quite tall. Or, you could choose petunias, a favorite of many gardeners. There is a wide variety to choose from and they are very easy to care for. Petunias bloom best in cool temperatures. A good plant to start from seed is nasturtium, a flower that blooms throughout the summer and into the fall, advertising fall colors. Lastly, have a look at lobelia, which blooms in cool temperatures and can handle a partly shady location.

Once you’ve decided what flowers you wish to grow in your gardening annual flowers adventure, it’s time to get into the actual planting. In general, late afternoon is a good time for planting. You should water your soon-to-be-beautiful flowers and the soil in which they’re to be put as well before you do anything. Take the plants out of their pots very gently or you will disturb the roots, and if the roots are very compacted, you should loosen them gently with your hands before putting the plant in the ground.

Your work doesn’t end with putting the plant in the ground, however. Though most annuals are low maintenance plants, they still require care to allow them to grow healthy and strong. Obviously, your garden needs to be weeded and watered (each plant has its own individual requirements for water, so make sure you don’t over- or under-water). Furthermore, since the whole

postheadericon All Gardening Tools

If you’re looking for all gardening tools you can find them anywhere nowadays. It might be best if you start looking for all gardening tools that you will be able to use for your garden. You’re best chance at finding all gardening tools year round would be at any large department store or a home improvement store.

Most of you’re gardening will be done during the summer months. You’ll find all gardening tools during this time. Everything you need from small hand held tools to larger items that you might need for your garden. If you have a large area that you are going to be working on then you should think of what you need to work on the area you are going to fix.

If you plan on growing some vegetables, you might need less of all gardening tools then you would if you were planting flowers. With a vegetable garden, you should make sure that you do see what kind of all gardening tools that you need. If you are just starting out then you might need more tools then someone else.

You’ll have to start with writing down what kind of tools that you need right away. It will be too much money to go out and by all gardening tools at the same time. Not if you have planned a budget for this. You might want to think of getting a tiller; this will help you turn up large areas of turn. It will also make the dirt softer and plus you’ll be able to see how much room you have to plant your plants.

Another thing to look for is what kind of plants you are planning on using. You need to look at each plant and see what kind of work that it will need. You can also start out your vegetable garden by drawing out a plan on where to plan what vegetable. If you are planning on doing this garden for more then a few years, make sure you change you gardening plan around every year, this will help the plants grow from year to year.

If you are working on flowers or other plants then you can find plants that you only need to plant once. These types of plants will die out when it gets cold then come back when the weather starts to become warmer. What you need to do is keep the weeds from growing back. Make sure that you find good pair of gloves that can help you pull these weeds out by their roots.

Having a lot of gardening tools will be a lot to take care off if you are just working on a small area. Buy what you need for what you are working on; it will cut back on trying to store a lot of tools in the long run.

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