A Jewel for Gardening
If you’ve never owned a climbing rose bush, you’re in for a treat. They are one of the loveliest things about gardening. Climbing roses are a great way to add color and fragrance almost anywhere.
Any type of rose is a joy for those who love gardening. Climbing roses provide a different effect than traditional rose bushes, however. Because they grow up instead of out, you can plant them near any horizontal surface. And, these beauties can solve many a landscape issue in gardening. Climbing roses can be used to cover an ugly fence or other structure.
Climbers are easy to grow. As long as they have plenty of sun, good soil and a sturdy trellis or fence for climbing, they are one of the easiest plants in gardening. Climbing roses grow quickly, too. So, you can cover that ugly fence very quickly.
You’ll need to prune climbing roses occasionally, just to keep them properly trained on the structure to which they’re attached, and to ensure that they look neat and tidy. Many will bloom for several weeks. And, while you won’t be able to cut these roses for a bouquet indoors, you’ll love the fragrance they bring to your garden.
Climbing roses come in a wide variety of sizes and colors. You can find climbers that grow only 6 feet tall, such as the Jeannie Lajoie. Or, you can opt for a mammoth Montecito for gardening. Climbing roses of the Montecito variety will reach 40 feet tall if there’s a structure that allows them to grow that high. Many people plant the Montecito at the foot of a tree and watch it go!
As for colors, you can find a climbing rose in any color you desire. Probably the most popular is the yellow variety called Golden Showers. This climber is so popular because it is grows quickly, is disease resistant and has a lovely fragrance. Another popular choice is the dark pink Stairway to Heaven Rose. This rose also grows quickly. It blooms early and blooms for much longer than most climbing roses.
There’s another great rose choice for Southern gardening. Climbing roses of the Cherokee variety are native to Georgia, but will thrive in any Southeast climate. This is also a very fast growing rose. It often will not bloom the first year after you plant it, but when it does begin blooming it is simply spectacular. The pink or white blooms are much larger than those on most climbing roses, so it puts on quite a show.
So, as you can see, climbing roses fit the bill for many occasions in the landscape. They provide a romance and elegance that few plants can match; and without a lot of work, to boot!